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NACA 4 digit airfoil with maximum CL/CD

1 minute read


In this project, we explore the different four-digit NACA airfoils. Four-digit NACA airfoil is described by three parameters: while first digit describes the maximum chamber as percentage of the chord, second digit describes of maximum camber the airfoil leading edge in tenths of the chord, and the last two digits describing maximum thickness as percent of the chord. Thus, we change those parameters and find the best NACA airfoil based on maximum CL/CD. Below is the summary.


NACA 4 digit airfoil with maximum CL/CD

1 minute read


In this project, we explore the different four-digit NACA airfoils. Four-digit NACA airfoil is described by three parameters: while first digit describes the maximum chamber as percentage of the chord, second digit describes of maximum camber the airfoil leading edge in tenths of the chord, and the last two digits describing maximum thickness as percent of the chord. Thus, we change those parameters and find the best NACA airfoil based on maximum CL/CD. Below is the summary.


NACA 4 digit airfoil with maximum CL/CD

1 minute read


In this project, we explore the different four-digit NACA airfoils. Four-digit NACA airfoil is described by three parameters: while first digit describes the maximum chamber as percentage of the chord, second digit describes of maximum camber the airfoil leading edge in tenths of the chord, and the last two digits describing maximum thickness as percent of the chord. Thus, we change those parameters and find the best NACA airfoil based on maximum CL/CD. Below is the summary.

PID control design, simulation and implementation for Parrot ARDrone

less than 1 minute read


This project was carried out as a class project for the Robotics class (ME 541) at South Dakota State University. The goal was to develop a PID controller and tune it in MATLAB such that the quadcopter follows the desired trajectory.

Parrot ARDrone

PID control design, simulation and implementation for Parrot ARDrone

less than 1 minute read


This project was carried out as a class project for the Robotics class (ME 541) at South Dakota State University. The goal was to develop a PID controller and tune it in MATLAB such that the quadcopter follows the desired trajectory.