About me

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at South Dakota State University working under the supervision of Dr. Kim-Doang Nguyen. I have worked as a research assistant and teaching assistant during my Ph.D. program.

Over the years my research focus has shifted from classical robotics: nonlinear controller design, optimization, and underactuated multi-agent motion synchronization toward classical computer vision and deep learning for the task of object detection and segmentation. In that regard, I have always been learning new things and enjoy the process of learning new things.

Having worked with existing deep learning models and proposed one myself, I truly believe the deep learning approach can have a meaningful impact on many fields. Yet, instead of relying only on deep learning as a solution to a given problem, there need to be redundant algorithms. After all trained model is only as good as it was trained on.

Keywords: Convex optimization, FMINCON, C++ realtime trajectory generator, underactuated system, feedback linearization controller, model free sliding mode controller, null space projection, object detection, segmentation, pytorch, least square ellipse fitting, kalman filter, collision avoidance, high performance computing.

CliftonStrengths: Relator, Learner, Context, Harmony, Individualization


  • Teaching:
    • ME 321 Fundamentals of Machine Design, South Dakota State University ( Fall 2022 )
    • ME 441/541 Robotic Systems Lab, South Dakota State University ( 2019 - 2022 )
  • Graduate assistant: South Dakota State University ( 2018 - 2022 )
  • Summer Internship: Collision avoidance using vison, Toro (CTRI division), MN ( 2022 )
    • Worked with ZED camera, Intel realsense camera, pytorch and opencv.
    • Was responsible for developing multiple algorithms for the task.


Programming Language: Matlab, Python, C++ </br> Machine learning libraries: Pytorch, Tensorflow, OpenCV </br> Research Tool: Convex optimization, ROS, Moveit </br> Prototype tools: 3D printer, Arduino and Raspberry pi </br>


Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, South Dakota State University, Ongoing
B.E., Aeronautical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, 2017

For additional information checkout my publications and project page. Project section covers additional interesting topics that I have worked on. Main research work are in publication page. Any suggestion or feedback, feel free to contact me. This site is still in progress so not all infromation is in place.